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Food sanity through knowledge, awareness & self-love.
All who obsess over food will be nourished by my unapologetic food journey from reckless habits to inflexible foodie and how I found peace amongst dietary chaos (without going insane).
Yes, I drove people nuts with my unwavering determination to eat according to my environmental values. My insatiable hunger for personal awareness challenged my relationships yet reframed my mind-body-spirit awareness and fed a desire to pursue a graduate degree in nutrition and integrative health. My passion for nutrient-idealism caused friction in otherwise normal life events, while simultaneously nurturing my personal growth.
In a constant questioning of choices and an inherent craving for something more, food both grounded and uplifted me through love and loss, marriage and motherhood, birth and death, fulfillment and depletion, adventure and freedom. If you’re human and you eat food, you’ll relate to many morsels of these not-so-perfect life experiences.