My food memoir, Clean Food, Messy Life: A food lover’s conscious journey back to self is available for your reading enjoyment and cooking pleasure. Click the button to read reviews & buy the ebook or paperback.
Nature Nutrition
Photo: dev khalsa
Food is complicated. Your body is unique. Dr. Google and books have helped, but you’re still not quite where you want to be with food and your physical, mental, emotional health.
I help clients regain their connection to food from the earth, the way nature intended us to eat. Real, whole, unadulterated foods (whenever possible). I know life is busy and we cannot source every item or create all meals from scratch. That’s where I come in!
Both INDIVIDUAL and FAMILY MEAL PLANNING SESSION sessions help keep meals simple, nutrient-dense, and tailored to your own - and your family’s - current dietary needs.
Plant Therapy
photo: dev khalsa
When everything feels slightly “off” kilter - energy, mood, wellbeing, connections, drive, sleep - sometimes going back to the basics can be a powerful tool on your healing journey. One big gap with most clients is a low intake of plant foods. Though food therapy and plant nutrients, true nourishment ensues.
Because you are unique, there are many paths toward healing. Sessions and programs range from 5-week LIVER DETOX & ENERGY REBOOT to a 21-DAY PLANT THERAPY RESET to addressing 1-2 prevalent symptoms via a SUPPLEMENT MAKEOVER. Generally, we optimize meals and habits so your body has the nourishment to heal itself.
Food Consciousness
photo: dev khalsa
When your health concerns take over: impossible-to-function-like-yourself-fatigue; brain fog; utter depletion; irritability with your loved ones; constant colds or sickness; dysfunctional sleep; lack of motivation; loneliness; gut issues (oh! so many!); wondering why your labs look normal but you feel like doggy-doo; riding the anxiety-depression see-saw; frustration with not knowing what to do next; and total disconnect from who you once were…
Time for a DEEP DIVE assessment to unearth key factors affecting your total wellbeing, like food + beverages; supplements + meds; lifestyle + support; emotions + stressors; and environment + personal care.